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The Saddest moment in my life

Bredun Natalya, 11A

Did you ever have a pet? If You did, I’m sure you know how many positive emotions they bring you. When you come home tired after a long hard working day the only thing that can help you to get rid of your terrible headache is a pet, a creature, which is able to serve and love eau faithfully all the life, not demanding any reward in exchange.

I would like to tell you about one of the saddest moments in my life. It was the end of spring. Outside everything came to life again after a long cold winter. Maybe it sounds strange but my story will be about my cat, who lived with us for almost ten years and became the member of our family. I remember myself in winter, when I was three years old. My mother came home and brought a little fluffy kitten in her coat. He was so funny, beautiful and clever that we loved him at first sight. In a while that little pretty kitten grew up and became a beautiful cat. Everything would have been all right if one day we hadn’t noticed a small tumour on her stomach. At first we didn’t pay much attention to it, but soon the tumour grew bigger and we began to worry more and more.

So we decided to go to the veterinary hospital and unfortunately nobody could help us. Nevertheless the illness continued to progress. It seemed there wasn’t any chance to save her life. One day her wound opened. My parents decided to take her to the veterinary hospital again, but at that moment they didn’t know if they should leave her there or not. I know it was a terrible thought but had no choice. I asked my father not to leave her there not to let them kill me cat. He didn’t say anything but I saw anxiety in his eyes. When Mum and Dad came back home I saw there was no cat with them. I didn’t need words, I understood everything. When Dad gave me a hug, I couldn’t suppress my tears anymore. I felt like somebody in our family died. I loved her so much that I couldn’t think I would ever see her again. Father told me they had to leave the cat, because she had had an incurable illness — cancer. It was a great loss for me, I was sure, no other animal could substitute me my cat.

Approximately in three months we read an advertisement in the newspaper about the kittens and decided to call. We took a little grey kitten and happiness came to our home again. Now she is three years old and she is fine, but I’ll never forget my old cat, her spirit will be always with me.

Опубликовано 20.09.2022 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 477 | Количество просмотров: 300 просмотров | Печать Печать
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Щукина Надежда Михайловна
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“By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.”
- Socrates


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