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The Camp

Kuzmina Alena, 11A

Do you want, to have fun? — I ask my new friends. Usually a number of jokes and funny stories comes to an end by this time at our noisy party. Boys and girls begin to be bored. Every time my story helps me. It is just a description of one real trip which I experienced at the age of 14. I hope you will like it, too. This story will be interesting for some of you.

I’ve been to many parts of my country. But I spent every journey with my parents so I didn’t have any problems. Once my best friend invited me to go to a camp near Astrakhan — a city on the Volga river. I knew the most people from my future group: it was not expensive; my parents were not against it — so I agreed to go. By the way they promised me only 4 hours of working time, good houses to live in, fine food and a great sum of money for my work.

I want to tell you that, every camp consists of several groups. Every group consists of about 30 boys and girls.
Our group was going to the camp by train during 3 days. There were only one teacher and her daughter of 20 with us. WE WERE FREE !!! We were without our parents ! But our joy was not very long: we saw some huts in the middle of the endless steppe — this was our camp instead of beautiful cottages of our dreams. We found out that we were the youngest in the camp ( the age of the kids in our group was from 13 to 16 , the age of the people in other groups was from 16 to 20). We were shocked by the news that we had to work for 8 hours a day: we didn’t have glass in our windows; there were a lot of enormous insects, which could bite, and many snakes. There was no hot water in the camp. The food was very bad. But we had a lot of fun and adventures.

We were very tired after working but we went to the river for swimming and playing. We were hungry but we were happy. We ate a lot of fruits just from the trees and vegetables from the soil. The weather was fine, the river was near us, the disco was every day that was all we need.

The great tornado remained in my memory. Me had been in the fields for 4 hours already and then came back to the camp for dinner. Some boys were still marking. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow. Everybody came to the buildings. The wind destroyed some constructions, brought some roofs down. At that time those boys were going towards the camp. Their way was through the steppe along the Volga river. They had to cover 2 km. We scared for them. A great rain began — so our rooms were full of water. Those boys hadn’t come yet. At last everything finished. We came out and saw that many trees, which were so rare in this district, had been broken. We already called those bays «Gone with the wind». After 2 hours they appeared. They looked like sand-people. There was a lot of sand in their hair, ears, eyes and clothes, which were dry.

Our way home was more interesting. The camp principal went, to the village to take our money on the last day. He had also to arrange all things connected with our camp. The windows and doors of the huts were boarded up already. All our bags were in the particular truck. All the kids of the camp were sitting in the trucks too. It was an early morning and the weather was fine. We were waiting for 10 hours. It was growing dark and cold. Midnight passed. At last, we set off to the station in Astrakhan. We were frozen. To everyone’s indignation we missed our train. We came back home after 3 days of troubles at different stations, trains and cities. I hadn’t slept last 5 days. My parents saw bronzed and exhausted creature who began to eat, eat and eat and then was sleeping for 2 days like a log. This creature was me.

After this I was sure that nobody would make me go there one more time. I was wrong. Next, year I asked my Mum in tears to let me go there. I do want to experience that adventure again!

Опубликовано 23.01.2020 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 772 | Количество просмотров: 232 просмотров | Печать Печать
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Щукина Надежда Михайловна
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- Socrates


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