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Sorokina Elena, 9A

I want to tell about my favourite poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. I think he was the greatest poet, and a real genius of the 19th century. His life did not turn out happily, it stopped quite suddenly. But even during his short life Pushkin created a great number of masterpieces. His works stir my imagination and fill my life with joy and happiness.
Pushkin was born on the 6th of April. 1799, in the family of a poor rich nobleman. He saw his parents very seldom. Balls, theatres, entertainment were their main occupations But at the same time Pushkin’s father liked literature and poetry very much a had a very good library at home. Many famous people visited his house. All the members of the family were very keen on literature and poetry, even children tried to write poems. Pushkin’s talent was displayed earl, when he studied in the Lyceum and was developed during all his life. He wrote about everything, in prose and in verses, about his friends, about the life in a court, about noblemen and common people, about history, even fairs tales about magicians and different wonders.
Most of all I like Pushkin’s poems about the beautiful Russian nature. He described green fields, blue lakes, dark winter forests, trees covered with snow and rime, glades which were pouring by a moon light with deep love and portrayed it in its richness. Since childhood I was greatly impressed by the episode from Pushkin’s poem «The bronze horse-man» were he glorified the beauty of St. Petersburg. People also call it the hymn to the great city. Though I wasn’t in St. Petersburg I can easily imagine all its beauty, the great Neva river in granite shores, wonderful palaces and monuments to great writers, poets and scientists, the Petropavlovskaya fortress, lift bridges and known all over the world the bronze horse-man. And, of course, unforgettable white nights and the Admiralty needle like roof-the symbol of this city.
I tried to translate part of the poem where Pushkin describes marvellous white nights into English.
I like you, Piter’s great creation,
Your strict and harmonious sight,
The Neva’s powerful current.
Which flows quietly in the night
And the Neva’s granite line.
I like
The cast — iron pattern of your Fences,
The moonless shine
And the limpid twilight.
Of your unclouded beautiful night
When I sit in my room
And write and read.
And sleeping masses of lonely streets are bright
And the Admiralty needle in moonlight.
Pushkin’s poems arouse the feeling of sympathy and admiration and I’m delighted with his ability to make every store interesting and exciting whether it is a fairy tale for children, or a store about historical events or about some historical person, or a love story, or a serious poem. I think Pushkin possessed all the qualities which were necessary for the real poet-vivid imagination, inspiration and skills to find mutual understanding with his readers. Reading his books I hear his voice, I understand his ideas and feelings, though he lived more than 100 years ago. He could imagine himself in his hero’s place, felt the epoch about, which he wrote deeply. That’s why when I read his books I feel as if I belong to another century, meet with Pushkin’s characters I feel their joy and sorrow, I worry about them.
I entirely agree with people, who called Pushkin «the light of the Russian poetry». Luckily, our country has such a remarkable poet.

Опубликовано 2.09.2022 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 596 | Количество просмотров: 1 573 просмотров | Печать Печать
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Щукина Надежда Михайловна
учитель английского языка, зав. кафедрой ИЯ, Заслуженный учитель РХ, МОУ “Гимназия”, г.Абакан, р. Хакасия.


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