My heritage
Loringel Anna, 10A
Our kin is very old. Ekaterina the Great (the Second) lost a little village that was called Tyutnyary, playing cards. There lived my ancestors . My great-great-grandfather (on my mother’s side) was a manager of the country-seat. He was responsible for the work in the house, in the fields and for the finance. At that time it was a very high post for a peasant, but he was an educated man and always had a great thirst for knowledge.
His family consisted of 7 children, the last of them was my great-grandfather. He was 5 years old when his parents died and all the family was brought up by their grandfather. Though they were very poor, and very often had nothing to eat, they managed to find time and money for studying. They were the only children from their village who entered school, hut they could finish only 4 classes.
When my great-grandfather was 19, he decided to marry a girl of 17, whom he fell in love with. There was an interesting custom of seeking marriage in those days. One woman was responsible for the «negotiations» between the families of the fiance and the fiancee about their marriage. She also had to notify the fiancee and her parents about the day the fiance and his folks would come. This woman was called a «marriage-seeking woman».
When the fiance and his folks came to the fiancee’s house, her parents would pretend they know nothing about the marriage: they simply invited the guests to have dinner with them. At the dinner party the «marriage-seeking woman» should say: «We have the merchant, you should give us the goods», and the parents would call their daughter. The fiance and the fiancee were not supposed to speak to each other at all until the woman would talk about all the necessary things.
In the days of my great-grandfather and his beloved, the custom of seeking marriage was widespread, so before their marriage they did the things I’ve already told before. After the wedding they lived happily and had 4 children, the last of them was my grandmother.
She was only 6 when her mother died, and the whole family was left in the care of the father. The eldest daughter, who was 12, helped the father with all her might, but she studied at school in the city far from the village and had to walk 25 km every Saturday and Sunday to came home and return to school.
Though all the children had to live in the houses of strange people far from their house, they managed to study: they were very stubborn at studying.
To give you an example of their hard life I’ll tell you about one episode from my grandmother’s life. She also had to walk to get home on the weekend. There was a thick forest near the road. One could hardly meet a man on that road. One day on her way home she saw 3 big grey dogs. She was glad, and thought: «If the dogs are here, the hunter might be near». But when she returned home and told her father about that, he became very anxious because he realized that his daughter had met 3 big wolves and he heard people saving the wolves had eaten a young woman — the teacher.
Though they had to overcome a lot of difficulties to study well, they never gave up, never were cast down, were always merry and cheerful. My grandmother (on my father’s side) finished the college of food industry and after graduating she was sent to Azerbaijan. She knew the Azerbaijan language not very well. Once she asked a group of azerbaijan people about the name of one of them. They said «Chopur». She asked him: «Chopur, could you, please, do… 7′ and heard him shouting: «I’ll kill you!» The matter was that his friends told my grandmother his nick-name, which meant «pock-marked».
But later she succeeded in learning the Azerbaijan language and soon found common language with all the people around her.
As you see, the thirst for knowledge was always in our family. Everybody wanted to study, to investigate the world, to know more about it. Right now my father entered the University to get the second diploma and my mother is always studying.
The other feature of our family is love to music. My grannies sing well, my Father and little sister can not only sing but, also play the piano, and father also plays accordeon.
May be I’m the only member of our family who can’t play musical instruments, but, when I am alone or with my parents, I like to sing and to listen to music they play.
My parents are kind people, they love children very much and they know a lot. They can always understand you and help you to solve all your problems. I try to be like them and I can even say they are my «heroes» especially my mother whom I want to look like.
She has something childish in her soul. She is always cheerful and merry, at the same time she can be serious when it’s necessary and do what she wants. She always achieves her goals.
Our family is very friendly. On holidays all the relatives used to gather somewhere and to have a party, where we talk, sing songs, dance and play different games and even the eldest members of our family take part in it.
I think my family and my ancestors have great influence on me. As I’ve already said, I want to be like my mother. Secondly, I want to receive the best education I can and I will do my best to achieve this goal. I also like to dance, to sing, to laugh, to have fun and I won’t be scared by difficulties.
I think that I owe much to my family and the ancestors and consider my family the happiest of all.
Опубликовано 15.03.2022 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 1005 | Количество просмотров: 312 просмотров |

Метки: обучение английскому языку, работы учащихся, сочинения на английском языке