Father and son
Lukyanova Elena, 9A
James Aldridge is a famous English writer. His novels, on the whole, were devoted to problems of people in their national struggle for independence.
I enjoyed reading his psychological story «The last Inch» which concerns the eternal problem of children and parents. The main characters of the story are Ben, a forty-three year old pilot and his ten-year-old son Davy. They had a formal family. Ben lived apart from his apathetic wife. He was indifferent to his son. He hardly knew how to speak with the boy. Davy lived with his mother, who had no interest in him. Father was a stranger who couldn’t talk to him and was too sharp with him in the rare moments when they were together. So, Davy was a very lonely boy lost between his parents. Such details are given to help the reader understand the relations between the son and the father at the beginning and at the end of the story.
One day Ben brought Davy with him to show how to fly the plane. He had no way of comforting him and he irritably shouted and gave orders rather then spoke with his son. In the desert country where they landed Ben forgot about Davy. It is expressed not only in his words but in his behaviour . When they ate their lunch and he opened one of the bottles of beer to drink, he remembered that he had brought nothing to drink for his son.
Davy was afraid of his father, and he tried to soften his father’s hard attitude towards him. He just did all he was told. Ben’s second immersion into the water — he was paid by the Commercial Television Stock Company for pictures of sharks or hammerhead — was tragic for him because of an unfriendly tiger-fish. His arms were like fire and led and his legs could not move. Ben was not entirely conscious, and he knew he could never fly that plane. At that critical moment Ben understood that the only person who could save them was his son Davy. Being half alive he began to change morally. His voice now was very soft and quiet. He spoke gently and carefully with Davy. Ben began to treat him as a person. He tried to make friends with the boy. The boy surprised how his father had changed. He felt responsibility for him. It gave Davy power and determination. He began to speak with his father angrily and Ben heard sometimes the tone of revolt or anger in his son’s voice. The writer didn’t want to show Davy as a negative character. He never knew what caress and kindness were. The boy worried about his father, but it was difficult for him to say something warm because he had never heard such words.
By the end of the story the main characters changed. They understood that they had lost a lot of valuable time. They established the kind of relations that will be warm friendship in the future.
Опубликовано 23.01.2021 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 508 | Количество просмотров: 667 просмотров |

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