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Family story

Barmin Eugeny, 10A

Part 1
Once there lived a wealthy merchant. He owned a village named «Volkovo». This village was situated near Rzazan’. He lived approximately in the 1800’s. This man was the oldest ancestor my family knows. It was my Dad’s father’s grandfather. My Dad’s father worked in the Embassy. His name was Ivan Ivanovich Volkov, and he lived in Georgia, Tbilisy, the capital of Georgia. He married an Armenian woman who worked as a German teacher in school. Never did he stay away from politics. He always knew everything.

My Dad is really like my grandpa in many ways. The TV set is his best «friend», just as was for grandpa (probably this is a common thing for all the males). My Dad is interested in politics, and so was my grandpa. My Dad is a night owl, and so was my grandpa.

My grandpa disliked communists and the communist system, but he couldn’t do anything about it. He was smart enough to realize that sharing his opinion wasn’t worth self-sacrifice. So he hated with his mouth shut.
One of my second cousins, Dr. Valentine Hogstrom, immigrated to the United States. He was one year old when they got there. His mother worked as a Red Cross nurse during the civil war in 1918. She fell in love with a Finish officer who really loved Russia and fought in the White Army, under the leadership of Denikin, against the Red Arms. He was an elite officer and was a follower of the monarchs. But after Denikin’s forces started to weaken and the White Arms retreated he fled to Finland, Helsinki. They had a baby boy. This box now lives in Chicago, and he is seventy-two years old. He is my mother’s cousin. He works as a medical family practitioner and owns his own clinic. He speaks four languages fluently: Russian, German, English, and Serbian.

My grandpa on my mother’s side was one of nine children in his family. His name was Alexander Nikitin. My grandpa had a hard childhood. They could hardly make both ends meet. That’s why he started to work at an early age. All of them were scattered in the world. Some of them found places to live in Yugoslavia, United States, Czechoslovakia, and Georgia. Many of them left the country when the Civil War (1919) broke out. Now all of them but one passed away. She lives in Georgia, Tbilisy.

Part 2

My mother really loves to tell this story, and I’ve heard this one for sure more than once. This story happened to my grandfather, my Mom’s Dad. During World War 2, Alexander was a phone operator. He was wounded several times, but the wounds were not life-threatening. Once a small group of troops after a successful fight got into the village where they found a big barn and decided to sleep there. But my grandpa could not fall asleep. Bugs were bothering him. So he finally went out in the fresh air and made himself a neat place inside the haystack. He awoke from a deafening sound of an exploding bomb. The bomb fell onto the barn, and none of his friends were alive. My grandpa used to say: «So bugs saved my life. Am I not lucky?»

Опубликовано 23.01.2021 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 550 | Количество просмотров: 425 просмотров | Печать Печать
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