Civil war is an ever gaping wound of America 2
Drozdik Stas, 11V
All is said and done. It is the end of the film, but the whole room is still under the power of the beautiful woman with transparent green eyes, full of fire and mystery. She is the main character of the screened version of the «Gone with the Wind» by Margaret Mitchel.
Scarlett O’Hara came from the land of white houses, peaceful arables and turbid yellow reavers. That was the land of virgin red soil, the land of contrasts. This woman with the eyes of wild cat came from an unhappy country, which was made grey and black because of the hasty and absurd war.
The main characters of the film were involved in the whirlwind of events that steel remain an ever gaping wound of America. As a result of the Civil War the established and organized way of life was broken, customs and traditions of flourished South were broken, too. The whole civilization was gone with the wind. Thousands of people died and were murdered without any reason.
The main part of the film is immersed in the darkness, the main colours are red, black, yellow and grey, we can’t see those flourishing gardens, as in the first part of the film. An awful view of burning Atlanta, pictures of grey sky help to involve the spectator into the atmosphere of tragedy, blood, tears and sufferings. The picture of devastation, demoralisation and destruction of human’s fate makes my blood run cold.
That war didn’t bring any deliverance to the people, on the contrary, the new government created a lot of new chains in exchange to the chains of slavery.
Speculation and cynical plunder of labour have been flourishing without any obstacles. That’s why we can say about the depressing combination of savagery and civilisation without culture. People began to identify savagery with freedom. They couldn’t understand, that this freedom was worse than slavery, because it excluded the possibility to resist the main ideology. Chaos and injustice became the main features of that time. The money became a religion for the new generation.
So, the main character of the film had to overcome all the horrors of that time, trying to preserve her best features, she had to survive, preserving hope.
Scarlett, the woman with proud eyes, who try to solve the problem of human values in the world of endless trade, became an embodiment of America, beautiful and senseless.
The film is finished, but there are remains the idea, a dream — the soul, flying in white fog, searching for dignity, honour and justice.
Опубликовано 23.01.2021 в категории Работы учащихся |
Количество слов: 425 | Количество просмотров: 290 просмотров |

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