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Это flash облако тегов вы можете найти на сайте "WordPress плагины". Для показа облака необходим Flash Player 9 или выше.

if sent

1. If it rains, ________                                    a) you would have known the answer.

2. If I were you, ___________                         b) I would go to the Disneyland.

3. If she had enough money, ___________    c) they would have got no problems.

4. If he calls me today, ______________        d) we’ll stay at home.

5. If they had gone there a month ago, _____ e)I’ll invite him to my Birthday party.

6. If I went to the USA, __________               f) I would go to the dentist.

7. If you had taken the book in time, ______ g) she would help her parents.

Опубликовано 5.02.2022 в категории Тесты |
Количество слов: 94 | Количество просмотров: 254 просмотров | Печать Печать
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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!:


Автор сайта

Щукина Надежда Михайловна
учитель английского языка, зав. кафедрой ИЯ, Заслуженный учитель РХ, МОУ “Гимназия”, г.Абакан, р. Хакасия.


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“Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity.”
- Socrates


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