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Это flash облако тегов вы можете найти на сайте "WordPress плагины". Для показа облака необходим Flash Player 9 или выше.


In the middle of this living-room there is a dinning table.
To the right of the dining-table there is a cupboard. On the cupboard there is a TV set.
Opposite the cupboard you can see a couch.
Near the couch there is a round coffee table.
To the right of the coffee table you can see a window.
In the corner of the room to the right of the window there is a wardrobe.

This is a four-room flat: there is a bedroom (8), a nursery (7), a living-room (3), a library (4), a kitchen (2), a bathroom (5), a toilet (6) and a corridor (1).
The living-room is large and comfortable. There is modern furniture in it.
The kitchen is small, but it is nice. There is a cooker there, a refrigerator, a table and four chairs.
In the library there is a writing table near the window, two chairs and a bookcase.
In the bedroom you can see a bed, a cheval glass and a cupboard.
In the nursery there are two beds and a lot of toys.
The bathroom and the toilet are clean, small and nice.
In the middle you can see a house.
In front of it there is a pond (lake, river). It is round.
You can see a path, leading from the pond to the house.
To the left of the house there is a swing.
On both sides of the house and behind it you can notice trees. There is a coniferous forest / wood.

Опубликовано 29.01.2021 в категории Дидактические материалы |
Количество слов: 274 | Количество просмотров: 380 просмотров | Печать Печать
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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!:


Автор сайта

Щукина Надежда Михайловна
учитель английского языка, зав. кафедрой ИЯ, Заслуженный учитель РХ, МОУ “Гимназия”, г.Абакан, р. Хакасия.


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“If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.”
- Socrates


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