Стереотипы: модуль 2
• to raise students’ awareness of stereotypes and their socio-cultural influences on people’s attitudes towards each other;
• to make students aware of the fact that stereotypes may be very misleading;
• to make students think over the ways of destroying negative stereotypes
• to develop study skills and social skills
• to develop reading and speaking skills
• English X-XI, part one by V.Saphonova,
• The European Magazine (The European Collection:IRELAND,
«l/oxPopuli», «A-Z of Ireland»),
• Dictionary of English Language and Culture (Longman)
Teacher invites students to report on their group findings while.
doing the homework and to compare their findings on Russian young
peoples ‘reflections on their identities with young Westerners’ given
in the press (at the beginning of the 1990s) :
A strong feeling of Percentage of young
belonging to: Westerners
the regional
the national 30 %
community (the country of one’s residence)
European 8 %
Community World Community 7 %
The teacher asks students to make comments on their data and the data obtained by Western sociologists.
The teacher asks students to recall those writers or musicians who
used to identify as «»Citizens of the World» (e.g. T.S. Eliot) and the
reasons for such identifications, their family backgrounds and life
stories, the times of their creative activities, the nature of their
occupation etc.
Then the teacher gives students a letter to the Guardian by P.Shield
and discuss it with students asking such questions as :
Is it a formal or informal letter?
Can you guess why Peter has written it?
What would Peter say if he were asked how strongly he feels
belonging to his local community, the country he was bom, Europe
and the whole world?
Does he consider to be multicultural as a disadvantage or an
advantage for a person’s development?
Which of the ideas expressed by him do you support, if any?
The teacher asks students to read «Fox Populi» from the European magazine (1996, 1-7 August) and draw a chart net reflecting Irish people’s views on Ireland and the Irish and discuss which of the Irish characteristics mentioned may be found in other nations, if what is said by the Irish reflects their stereotypes about themselves and what kind of stereotypes are those (negative or positive),it may be difficult or easy for Russians to make contacts with Russian people.
The teacher asks students to identify the nature (positive or negative) of the national stereotypes reflected in the card and discuss if such cards harmless or harmful if they may be or shouldn’t be taken too seriously, if people usually like or dislike such cards, what makes the artist to design such a card, if the card has got any positive or negative message.
The teacher discusses with students where stereotypes usually come from, if they come from books, films, soap operas, the press, intercultural experiences, anecdotes and ask them to give examples of creating stereotypes in humorous stories, anecdotes, essays.
The teacher asks students to discuss in groups positive and negative stereotypes about the Russians which they usually come across in some books (e.g. Xenophobe ‘s guide to the Russians byE. Roberts, Pavette Books, 1993 ) The following list of questions may be offered:
Are the Russians describe as hard-working ?
Unwilling to respect the opinion of others?
Unwilling to respect the views, ideas, opinions opposite to their own?
Are they regarded as being friendly?
Sociable, or unsociable?
Tough-minded or tender-minded?
Dogmatic or flexible in following
conventional values?
Hospitable to foreigners?
Indifferent to foreigners?
Hostile to foreigners?
Do they produce an impression of people who are responsible or
irresponsible? Simple-minded? Aggressive? Peaceful?
A chievement-oriented? Ambitious? Sensation-seeking? Unadventurous? Polite or impolite? Unemotional or emotional? Pragmatic? Commersially-m inded?
The teacher finishes up with discussing with students if what is said about Russians can be reffered to them personally? And how much of myth is in the term known as «the national character».
The students are asked to imagine themselves in the foreigner’s shoe in Russia and to make a list of things which foreigners usually find «strange1‘ in Russia.
The students are asked to send e-mail messages to the Irish young people asking they how they see themselves and write comments on texts describing the Irish identity.
Activity 9 (homework)
The students are asked to choose a stripe of coloured paper ( e.g. yellow, blue, green, red, violet ) out of many stripes equal to the number of students. Those who have stripes of the same colour are expected to work together in groups of three while seeking for information on Ireland and finding the best way of . jsenting it. The colour code is given on the blackboard:
RED Ireland’s National Symbols
BLUE Links with the Council of
Europe and the European Union
YELLOW Famous people in literature,
arts, music, science, Film & sports stars
VIOLET Key events in Ireland’s history
GREEN Pastimes
The students are:
• to agree who will be a) a secretary (responsible for registering ideas),b) » a speaker»( responsible for making an oral presentation), «a leader» (responsible for resolving conflicts and reaching agreements if there are any disputes);
• to decide on :
a) on the form of the presentation( a TV program, self-made video film, school radio programme, booklet etc.
b) how to use the internet and e-mail for their purposes;
c ) cultural items relating to the topic (pictures, draphs, charts, cassettes, toys etc.)
• to make conclusions on Ireland’s identity and the Irish Identity
The teacher uses the following criteria for evaluating the groups’ work:
• factual accuracy (5 marks)
• cultural depth (10 marks)
• language appropriateness (5 marks)
The students ‘ groups evaluate each other under the following headings:
• the art of making a presentation (5 marks)
• contact with the audience (3 marks)
• cultural depth (10 marks)
Опубликовано 6.05.2022 в категории Сценарий уроков |
Количество слов: 911 | Количество просмотров: 292 просмотров |

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