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Стереотипы: модуль 1



•   to help students to define the meaning of the word » identity» and introduce the term» social identity;

•   to make students aware of the complexity of identities

•   to develop students’ skills in using reference books

•   to develop students’ discussion power and skills in interviewing people,

•   to develop students ‘social skills


video episodes from the sky-fi serial «BABYLON»(The Jesuit)

hand-outs containing materials on young Europeans and the European Identity from the press,

hand-outs containing definitions of the term identity given in dictionaries of psychology,

English dictionaries


Teacher: Have you ever heard such a word as   «identity»?   Could you say what it means? Not so easy, isn’t it?     Let’s try       to do that together recently many of you have    seen     ‘The Jesuit»,     one of the   films     of     the popular sci-fi serial «BABYLON 5». What questions was D’Ellen asked when the representative of the super-civilisation wanted to find out if she was worthy of representing   a   number   of planets fighting against the Shadows? How did she try to answer it?   What would 3011 say if  you were in her shoes? How would you IDENTIFY yourself?

Students give answers to  the question «Who are you»( name, family and its ethnic and other roots, their participation in   school life ,    loco! community events,   the region where they live in Russia, the continents (Europe & Asia) and they start becoming aware of the complexity of the     notion «identity».

Teacher: Now group 1 will make a list of definitions of the word «identity» given in language dictionaries and group 2 will work with hand-out containing the definition of the term «social identity» given in the dictionaries of sociology’.

Students ‘ group do the tasks, draw spider nets summing up the   meanings of the word «identity», and the «term » social identity, discuss what they have in common and in what way they differ and make group presentations.


Teacher: We live in a country which is situated in Europe and in Asia. How do you

identify yourselves as Europeans, Asians, Eurasians, World citizens ? Students discuss how they see themselves and why they see themselves in this view.

Teacher: We’ve got some ideas now how differently may people living even in one and the same country    identify themselves . Some of you identify your­self as Europeans. And here we may start speaking about such a concept as «EUROPEAN IDENTITY» . And what do many Europeans have in common and in what way can they differ from each other? Students express their ideas on similarities and differences in terms of:

•             political structures

•             cultural heritage

•             being members of the Council of Europe, the European Union

•             tolerance to their cultures

•            quality of life

•            attitudes to such European values as human rights, non-violence in conflicts, democracy, common heritage, etc.


Teacher: Let’s try to sum up what we have in common with other Europeans Work in small groups and name no less than 5 characteristics we have got in common nowadays with other Europeans.

Students work in groups of 3, exchange their views and take them down and report on the discussion results. The teacher make comments on the groups’ work and focuses their attention on the common features of the European cultural heritage, peoples ‘ wishes to live in a peaceful world and in a healthy surroundings, have a decent job and lead a decent life , enjoy the multicultural diversity of Europe .


Teacher: Let’s explore how people in other European countries may identify themselves. The husband of our new substitute teacher is an Irishman. He works for the local Pepsi-Cola company in Sochi and he has agreed to answer our questions. Let’s first write a questionnaire which may help

us to learn about his Irish interpretation of the European identity. We may start with the questions like the following: Which of the symbols,, do you believe, is the most expressive symbol of Ireland?

What do you like most of all in your country? Do the Irish people have much in common with other Europeans or not

What other questions would you like to ask?

Students make suggestions on questions to be included in the questionnaire and all of them are written on the blackboard .Then they discuss which of them should be or may be included , and which of them are not very helpful in exploring the area under consideration.

Home Activities:

Group 1: to interview their parents or neighbours or friends asking them to list 3 or 5 features they believe they have in common with:

•   their neighbours

•   people living in the same area

•   other Europeans

to report on the survey

For Group 2: to interview 15—21 young people in the street and ask them   which of the communities they   feel belonging to:

•   regional community

•   Russian Federation

•   European community

•   World community

Sum up the answers in the table Answers: Number of People

1 2 3

Опубликовано 2.05.2022 в категории Сценарий уроков |
Количество слов: 827 | Количество просмотров: 203 просмотров | Печать Печать
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Автор сайта

Щукина Надежда Михайловна
учитель английского языка, зав. кафедрой ИЯ, Заслуженный учитель РХ, МОУ “Гимназия”, г.Абакан, р. Хакасия.


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“If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.”
- Socrates


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