Ирландия: модуль 2
OBJECTIVES: to compare the types of accommodation in Ireland in Russia and to make students find suitable strategies in finding accommodation in Ireland and helping foreigners to find accommodation they need in Russia
TECHNIQUES: — brainstorming;
— guessing game;
— reading for detail;
— reading the charts;
— discussion.
MATERIALS: — tourist brochures, guides, leaflets;
— photos of different types of accommodation.
READING THE LETTER. The students skim Alice’s letter for the types of accommodation mentioned and add some more. The teacher encourages the students to speak about their own experiences asking questions of the type: »Where do you usually stay while travelling?» «What do you think the choice of accommodation depends on?»
MATCHING. The students match the types of accommodation with the people
travelling in Ireland:
luxurious hotel a foreigner stydying English
youth hostel an elderly couple fond of traditions
country house a rich businessman
camping site a student
guesthouse a young couple on a honeymoon
Bed & Breakfast
READING & GRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION. The teacher writes the following chart on the blackboard.The students read the information about different types of accommodation in Ireland and fill in the chart.
Most Guesthouses are found in cities and large towns. They are usually converted family homes and all have an atmosphere of their own. Most offer a good-value evening meal and all give you a delicious full Irish breakfast. Top-of-the range guesthouses can be just as good and sometimes even better than hotels. You will see a much more personal side of a town or city while staying in a guesthouse. If you are looking for anonimity,however, a guesthouse may not suit you- both the proprietor and your fellow guests are likel to try and draw you into conversation. Sometimes they are like small hotels with a restaurant, lounge room and telephone and TV in the rooms.
Costs in guesthouses vary from 20 ER pounds to 100 IR pounds for person per night.
Ireland has the reputation for the best B&Bs in Europe. You will never be far from places to stay. The typical cost is 12-16 ER pounds per night except in the big towns where some luxurious B&Bs can cost 25 LR pounds or more per night. They usually do not have private bathrooms, but where they do the cost is usually 2 pounds
higher. Most B&Bs are very small, just two to four rooms. Breakfast at B&Bs is almost inevitably cereal followed by «a fry», which means fried eggs, bacon and sausages plus toast and brown bread. Your welcome will always be friendly and the food and company excellent. The Town and Country Homes Association will provide details of B&B accommodation.
You can use these hostels if you are a member of An Oige (The Irish Youth Hostel Association) and the Youth Hostel Association of Northern Ireland. These two associations belong to Hostelling International (HI). Youth hostels are set in some wonderfully scenic areas of Ireland in buildings ranging from castles to military barracks. Accommodation is generally provided in simple dormitories with comfortable beds and basic cooking facilities. HI hostels have been changing a lot for the better. They operate a fax-and-bed-ahead facility that books accommodation in advance. Booking can be made by credit card at many of the larger hostels. Some hostels have family and smaller rooms. Nighty costs are usually from 5.50 to 6.50 IR pounds. An Oige is also available, as are self-catering facilities. A HI member can have a discount.
At the top of the price range there are a handful of expensive, luxurious hotels in castles and in modern buildings. Magnificently furnished and run, they offer maximum comfort, delicious food and a wide range of sports facilities — either owned by the hotel or available closely. Salmon fishing, fox-hunting and shooting can be arranged as well as riding, golf, sailing and cycling.
If your priority is a full range of indoor facilities, such as a gym. sauna and swimming pool. The modern hotel chains will best cater to your needs.
The standart of service is impeccable and the atmosphere is one of relaxed informality.
This kind of accommodation for visitors is very expensive: 80-120 IR pounds per night.
There are plenty of camping sites around Ireland. Usually they offer the use of the kitchen and shower facilities. Many of the camping sites have additional facilities — these might include a shop, a restaurant or coffee/snack bar, an indoor games room, a laundry, tennis courts and pitch-and-putt course. The standart and condition of these facilities will vary, but you can be reliably guided by the tourist board’s star rating. At camping sites costs are typically from 4 to 7 IR pounds for a tent and many have coin-operated showers. Many sites have different rates depending on the type of tent you have (a two-person tent as opposed to a family tent being the usual distinction) and whether you arrive by bike or by car.
Visitors wishing to stay in a country house and see a sample of authentic Irish country life can contact a special organization called Hidden Ireland. However, this type of accommodation may not suit everybody for, as the organisation emphasises, the houses they offer are not guesthouses or hotels, but something quite different. You should not,therefore, expect the same facilities and services usually found in a hotel, such as a swimming pool, lifts, televisions, porters or rQom service. Instead, the atmosphere is a very intimate one; guests dine together with their host and hostess as if at a private dinner party. Many of the houses belong to the same family for hundreds of years and their history is fascinating. Prices reflect the type of house and the standart of accommodation, but all offer excellent value for money and a first-hand experience of the Irish way of life. A country house costs 400 IR pounds per week from June till September.
DISCUSSION. The teacher asks students to choose a type of accommodation using
the information they got from the texts and account for their choice.
SPEAKING. The teacher encourages the students to talk about the types of
accommodation in their country.
PAIRWORK. The students act as travellers discussing different types of
accommodation. They ask questions beginning with «What…?» «When?» «Why?»
The students write a letter to a foreign friend recommending the type of accommodation suitable for him/her.
Опубликовано 3.08.2022 в категории Сценарий уроков |
Количество слов: 1048 | Количество просмотров: 204 просмотров |

Метки: открытые уроки английского языка, сценарии уроков по английскому, уроки английского языка