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FreeStyle — online magazine for teens!

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This is the Child and Youth Network’s literacy website! In our Gymnazium, we are committed to making literacy a way of life through daily activities. If you are a parent, a teacher, a child, a student there is something here for you. Let’s all work together to make a change…

Main navigation

• articles, videos, special features and lots of pictures, events and music, games, blogs, celebrities

Especially for Girls:
• from guys to entertainment to health and fitness, quizzes, polls, celebrity news, fashion, beauty, health and fitness for older teen girls, Teen fashion-focused with blogs, videos, quizzes

Music and Entertainment:
• for teens with reviews, blogs, interviews and articles about entertaining, gaming, style, sports, fitness, teen gossip, celebrities, fashion, quizzes, reviews, news, photos and videos about today’s music scene, classic and influential magazine featuring music, album and artist news, movie reviews and more
• entertainment and news

• blogs written by teens for teens, with poetry, fiction, art, photos and forums, teen culture and the independent arts

• the ultimate comic book and parody

• news, previews, reviews, podcasts, forums and lots more about PC gaming, news, videos, trailers and info for X-Box, PS3, PC and mobile games

Опубликовано 13.02.2023 в категории Дидактические материалы | Комментарии к записи FreeStyle — online magazine for teens! отключены
Количество слов: 240 | Количество просмотров: 98 просмотров | Печать Печать

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Автор сайта

Щукина Надежда Михайловна
учитель английского языка, зав. кафедрой ИЯ, Заслуженный учитель РХ, МОУ “Гимназия”, г.Абакан, р. Хакасия.


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“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”
- Socrates


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